Break Be Gone
My last road trip was a DRIVE (Yes, that dreaded five-letter word that motorcyclists avoid using) to southern Indiana where I grew up. (Grew up. Hmm. Did I? Perhaps it is where I merely tripped over that legal line from child to adult. It's all about numbers, anyway, isn't it?) The drive up was uneventful, just how I like it. The visits were great, just how I like it. I got to see a couple of girls I went to high school with whom I've remained close friends with over the last twenty years. I visited and stayed with a friend I've enjoyed for 16 years and survived her Stamp Camp! We had a goal of crankin' out some stamped cards and she wouldn't let me off the hook when the creativity and energy were less than abundant. She's a master with chalk and put me through the boot camp (again!) of chalking until mailable cards were created. I must admit to making a couple beautiful cards! **will post pics soon** I was happy that timing worked out well for me to visit with a friend from Canada. It'd been nearly two years since I saw him last so sharing time with him was a real treat... even though he DID win the US vs. Canada World Championship Backgammon Tournament against me. I was drugged... too many chai lattes. ;) We drove to Nashville to share in a lunch among internet motorcycling friends. We both got to meet new friends and visit with folks we'd not seen in a while. I spent a short bit of time with my sister and shared some laughter with her. It always seems to be good medicine at the right time.
No offense to any of the people I cherish, but the highlight of the week-long trip was the snow. Well, they were flurries, but they were SNOW flurries. I saw some very light sprinklings in Indiana but drove through a thick flurry in Tennessee. I was delighted to stop for gas so I could stand in the delicate shower. The flakes gathered on my black mittens and I can't recall EVER seeing such beautiful flakes. They looked as though they were shards and shavings of glass. They stayed on my mittens until I got back into the heat of the jeep. How I wish I could have brought them home with me. Those and the icicles I saw frozen from their drip along rocky walls lining the interstate. I'd have liked to break a couple off and suck on them as I did when I was a child. They were nature's treat on a sledding day.
I'm home now and happy for it. I l-o-v-e to travel and I love seeing the people in my life that make me feel complete but as Dorothy said, "There's No Place Like Home."
Here's what I miss when I'm gone...


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