It's become apparent that there are a lot of people I know saying "I've Never ____ (fill in the blank)." I even caught myself saying it a few times in different conversations and that's got to come to an end. My promise to myself for several years has been to do the things that interest me. I've tried to take notice of books I've not read, movies I've not seen, stores I've never shopped, parks I've never visited, you get the idea. I've kept a mental note of some of the smaller, simpler things, places and am now branching out. I'm going to share a list of ten I Nevers that I hope to mark off the list by the year's end. These aren't goals that I've set, they're not New Year's resolutions, they're not dares, they're not things I already have planned and will easily check off upon completion. No, these are things that have muddied up my mind over the last couple of years and they need to be addressed. They need to be completed. They need to be removed from the
I Never list and added to the
Why Yes, I've Done That column. I'm encouraging others to join me in making and sharing such a list. One friend has signed on and trusts that I'll hold him accountable at the year's end. These are things to do for Y-O-U. Don't you think you're worth it?
My Ten:
I've Never seen karaoke.
I've Never
milked a cow.
I've Never ridden my motorcycle
I've Never ridden my motorcycle to
Key West.
I've Never donated
I've Never gone deep-sea
I've Never
volunteered in Jacksonville. (other than through work or a charity walk)
I've Never created a
I've Never written about my
Iron Butt Rally experience.
I've Never created an
altered book or
I've got 11 months to do these 10 things. We'll see what I've done on January 1, 2005. Join me, share your ten.