Jeepers Creepers, Look at My Peepers

It's been interesting to learn how little regular folk know about chicks. The people I work with were astounded to learn that not all chicks are yellow, or Easter-egg pink or purple.
|gərl| noun a young or relatively young woman
|glīd| noun a smooth continuous movement
SMOOTH?!?! Well, one can always hope.
Saw your pic at
I think you're pretty :-)
Anonymous: Thanks for the anonymous compliment. Too bad I don't know who I'm thanking though. Glad you're a visitor of Blogography... Dave's a lot of fun to read... especially when he's on a good rant about some stupid person.
HT: The chicks will stay indoors for several weeks while they continue to grow and get stronger. They will have a hen house (coop) with a chicken run as well as a chicken tractor. They'll be as "free range" as we can allow.
they are so cute...i'm very very jealous, having always wanted chickens -- alas, city bylaws
Karen: I'm a lawbreaker, but we'll just keep that a secret between us. If anyone asks about the coop, I'll just tell them we're petsitting.
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