Thursday, January 08, 2004

Mail Call

One great treat to coming home from a road trip is the mail that is waiting for me. There were many goodies in the proverbial mail bag after this trip and many thanks are due to many people. In addition to the gifts, envelope goodies, pictures, drawings, and wonderful words of personal thoughts and experiences were the following:

"People are like stained glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in,
their true beauty is only revealed if there is a light from within."
--Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

"Softly, gently in the secret night
Down from the north came the quiet white.
Drifting, sifting, silent flight,
Softly, gently, in the secret night.

White snow, bright snow, smooth and deep.
Light snow, night snow, quiet as sleep.
Down, down, without a sound;
Down, down, to the frozen ground.

Covering roads and hiding fences,
Sifting in cracks and filling up trenches.
Millions of snowflakes,
Tiny and light,
Softly, gently, in the secret night."

-- From the book "White Snow, Bright Snow" by Alvin Tresselt

THANK YOU for sharing these wonderful words and insights with me.


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