A recent find at the grocery made me a very happy girl. As a comparitive consumer, I find it's rare to see organically grown produce priced the same as their chemically treated cousins. Fortunately, I found lemons priced the same this week and I snatched 6 lbs. of lemons because summer is here. I don't care what the calendar says. The temperatures have been in the mid-to-upper 80s the last week and when you're out monitoring chicken practice or planting a spring garden, nothing refreshes quite like a tall ice-cold mug of tart n' sweet lemonade.
Here's the tried and true recipe I've been using to stave off thirst:4 lemons, juiced
1 quart water
1/2 cup white sugar
In 2 qt. pitcher, combine the lemon juice, water & sugar.
Stir until sugar is dissolved. Chill in fridge.
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