Saturday, April 15, 2006

Time To Get Growin'

One good thing about living in Florida is the window of planting opportunity. All threats of frost have passed and it's time to get dirt under the fingernails (again). Today I made a stop at a family-owned Ace Hardware and an independent nursery to buy some seeds and plants. In addition to vegetable, fruit and flower seeds, I bought a raspberry plant, blueberry bush and six tomato plants of two varieties. While at Ace, a shopper dude asked me if I was starting a farm. It struck me as an odd question but I quickly responded with a smile and a "yes". It's an urban farm, but it's a farm all the same.

The strawberry plant I bought a couple weeks ago is producing fruit! It was a sweet and juicy berry and a reminder that I need to plant more so I can have a sizeable amount on hand healthy snacking.. or milkshakes.


Blogger The Dolsons said...

great looking berry, who got to eat it.

you're getten to be quite the farmer :) Blueberries are awesome

April 15, 2006 8:17 PM  

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