My First County Fair

Yes, it's true... I'd never been to a county fair before Saturday. With my strong interest in moving the hell out of the city, growing crops for self-reliance and maintaining livestock, going to a local county fair seemed mandatory. Keep in mind that I wasn't a complete fair neophyte. Afterall, I'd been to the Kentucky State Fair many times. But a county fair has the feel of community, unlike the huge state fair... I know that now.

The goat-milking hands of a 4-H mom.

The Florida High School Association Rodeo competition was held on Saturday. Events included pole bending, barrel racing, team roping, and bull riding. This was another first for me. I'd never watched a rodeo. Why didn't I wear my ropers??
I had ropers when I lived in Lubbock. (I think it was a law.) I miss those boots.
great shot!
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