Good Monday Morning
I woke up wrapped in the aroma of fresh baked bread. No, I didn't crawl under a table and doze off at Panera's.... we baked bread from scratch last night and the aroma lingered til morning. Not bad for first-timers! I was a bit leery since I failed miserably using a bread machine. The recipe was for "Homemade Bread" and sounded simple enough so we were willing to forget all of the bread machine debacles and go for the real deal. There is half of one loaf left. I think we liked how it turned out.
I LOVE home baked bread and can almost smell it here.
Oh great... now I want to make some bread! Is there anything so delicious?
HT: Believe it or not, I made a turkey sammich with the bread! Deelish! This weekend I'll try wheat.
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