Life Among the Lizards
A few weeks ago, I hung a cheap birdhouse in the butterfly garden. Yeah, it was a clearance item for $4

Last night while I ooh'd and ahh'd over the first nasturtium bloom and hidden baby corn tassel, I felt those beady little eyes on me again. This time, a lizard was perched high above the green beans. He had declared the bean trellis his kingdom and all who should approach should, like, shudder in fear or something.

I do warn all of these lizards of the threat that pecks among them. The chickens. Before Xena left, he had pecked a tail off of one lizard that lives near the air conditioning unit. Whenever I see that stumpy tail of his, I am fondly reminded of the brute that used to live here. I can sympathize with the lizard because that pullet-turned-cockerel bruised the crap out of my forearm. He's got one mean beak.
Sounds like you have one hell of an "organic" bug eating arsenal! My ladies spent the weekend under my deck scratching up all the debris down there, and I'm pretty sure they're waging a winning war on the gigantic 2" roaches that live down there!
PS-- that land was beautiful!
I love lizards... I think that are the absolute coolest creatures, and am really jealous of you now! :-)
Lucky girl to have lizards! What kind are they? I think some kind of skink is supposed to be in our area, but I have never seen one.
Lacy: Yeah, I'm quite happy to have the lizards in the gardening 'hood. :) The girls don't seem to mind the lizards too much. Xena did but then again, HE went after the squirrels, too. He had no fear! The girls saw a snake slither by us all the other day and they quietly bocked a little but basically let it go about its way. *I thought that TX land was pretty, too!
Dave: YOU jealous of ME?? That's a first! :)
MG: By what I've been able to tell, they are anoles. I've added a link to the post which wasn't there originally.
Anole all right. It's the exotic brown anole. They're cute imps, but they can outcompete (eat) our native anoles. I've got them too and they are here to stay in FL so I just try and provide good habitat for both kinds. Rocks and stacks of branches provide a nice shelter for them (or fancy bird houses) and I like to think they pay me back by eating garden insects.
hey, I just now found ONE HALF of one of those lizards on the front porch... the front half.... none of the four cats are owning up to it for some reason.
I was just thinking, "Those must be anoles", because I've seen no such thing here.
When I lived in Africa I had geckos in the thatch of my roof. At night they'd hang out on the walls and make little chirping noises as they destroyed the bug population. I miss those guys... Here, I've only seen skinks. Everytime I can catch one, I toss it in the veggie garden and hope it stays!
Are there lizard diseases there, like we have rabbit diseases here? My parents' farm is always filled with rabbits, all over, but every year it starts with a few ill or dead rabbits and it ends with a whole lot of them just dead and only a few living left. RHD or Myxomatosis usually. Seems fun to me, all those lizards... we don't have em! But it wouldn't be nice to clean up a lot of dead ones... :(
Oh, so cool, your yard of lizards! (Very much a novelty for me -- but should I be afraid to touch?)
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