Cockadoodle What?!?!
If I just heard correctly, Xena just attempted to crow while free-ranging in the backyard. Now that is cause for concern because Xena shouldn't be crowing. She shouldn't even know what crowing is let alone practice doing it. If my ears haven't failed me, then Xena is Xander and that's not good. Roosters are not allowed. Well, chickens aren't allowed for that matter, but that's beside the point. Fortunately for us, we have a couple people interested in it, him, if it turns out to be him. Unfortunately for it, dinner will become its new name. And unfortunately for Ginger and Ella, their little family will be broken. It really is a bit heartbreaking because even though Xena has some anger issues, we enjoy having her, it, in the family.
Doesn't Xena (Xander) need a better clock?
One of my buff orpingtons is a rooster. I'm going to keep him for a little while, but I have a farm for him to go to (he'll be used for breeding) when I'm ready. I don't know, but yours looks like mine. My girls don't have the really red things on the underside of their beaks, but the rooster most definitely does. And the color is a tip off as well. Nobody else's combs are that bright.
I hope she turns out to be female so she can stay. I can't imagine why anyone would not like rooster crowing. I love it.
She looks like a hen, though! humm?! Maybe she is confused?! lol
Hugs, Michelle
Robert/FC: Because of where we live, I'd prefer that it not have a clock at all. I love the sound of a rooster crowing, but not in suburbia.
Patrick: There was a definite pecking order in place but it wasn't because of the mothering hen, I'm sorry to say.
Meredith: Barred Rocks have red combs, wattles and ear areas no matter the sex. I had to take a close look at the head and feathers to determine the sex, which are secondary determinates. Oh, the crowing helped me figure it out, too. :)
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