Thursday, August 31, 2006

Pay It Forward

I recently received some of my favorite kind of love: Mail Love. A fellow bookcrosser in the Netherlands sent me a book from one of my wish lists. It was a complete RABCK (Random Act of Bookcrossing) and I was reminded that in order to feel better sometimes, it's good to do something for someone else. So, today I'm mailing out three RABCKs to unsuspecting bookcrossers. I haven't even gone to the post office yet I'm feeling better already.

What have you done for someone else recently?


Blogger Jamie said...

What a good idea...I should do that!

Juli, I'm just now catching up on your recent posts and wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. xx

August 31, 2006 1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fabulous idea! that could be and should be done in every form :) what a way to put a smile on someones face! I may do that to a friend with some art work. :)

September 06, 2006 3:17 PM  
Blogger Jill said... is a cool random act kind of site.

What I did today was help a lost couple from the Neatherlands find the bus to downtown Vancouver. they said they were headed for Chinatown and I helped them get directions from the bus driver and then I warned them to be careful due to the poverty and drug issue in the Downtown East Side. I really wanted to skip my gym class and be their personl tour guide but I knew I was trying to avoid the gym so I wished them well. I hope the had a good time. Chinatown can be fun and its only if you wander off 2 or 3 blocks that you run into the troubles.

September 25, 2006 10:45 PM  

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