Thursday, April 28, 2005
Bye Bye Birdie

My Dream Job
Cinema d'Idiots
When I took my seat dead-center in the theatre, there were two women in the center back row, being very chatty with one another and an elderly couple whispering in the front row, aisle seats. That left approximately 115 other seats still open.
A few minutes before the previews, two women walked in and took seats in the row in front of me to my right. They were close, but not so close I felt compelled to put my feet on the floor. *yes, I'm one of them* Next, a woman walked in and also chose the row in front of me, directly to my left. The theatre lights were still up, could they not see the 115 remaining seats still available? Do they have no respect for personal boundaries? No, they weren't sitting directly next to me or in front or rear of me, but they were still stifling close considering the vacancy of the theatre.
I, with my standard contraband lunch from Chick-fil-a, decided to just suck it up instead of moving back a couple rows. They'd have to endure the aroma of my lunch as their penance for sitting so close to me.
Throughout the entire film, the women to my lower right talked. One even took a cell call. I was *this* close to flinging a leftover, ketchup-laden waffle fry right on her excessively hairsprayed head, but once again, I sucked it up. I resisted the urge. Where'd I gain such control?, I wondered.
At the end of the movie, the chatty-Cathies from the back row walked down the steps while giving their reviews of the movie. "Cute," one said. I am sorry... did we just see the same film??, I said to myself. What exactly was cute about about a drunk, controlling mother; a missing father; a washed up baseball player; a borderline pedophile and an anorexic?
Cute, yeah, I guess that summed it up.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Nature's Nursery

Ma & Pa are really working for a living as they protect their humble little nest from the Blue Jays. On Monday I watched a feathered dogfight between the trees in the front yard once the Jays learned of the couple's new bundles of joy. Ma & Pa worked as a team fending off their babies' predators, flying from tree to tree, taking jabs at the Jays to eventually send them flying off to another yard nearby.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Nature's Maternity Ward

Sunday, April 24, 2005
A Room With a View
Ma and Pa cardinal were in their usual tree in front of the living room window this morning. They chirped for well over an hour, so much to say, this couple. Accompanied by two of my three cats, I stood in the door watching them for a good long while. In all of their flittering about I discovered the shrub where they're nesting this Spring. I couldn't help but wonder, is this the same couple that is here year round? Do they migrate throughout the neighborhood or has this been their home? Is it a young couple or an older couple that has been around for a while? It's interesting to watch them, how they look out for each other. The vibrantly-colored male feeds the female from time to time. I love that! It reminds me of how much I like to be fed. Having an apple sliced for me is one of my most simple pleasures... it's almost primal.
The feeder is new and it only took Mr. Cardinal five minutes to take to it. He's quite the multitasker. While retrieving seeds, he chirped, kept a mindful eye on the cats, me and his less colorful mate. They don't seem to mind the activity that takes place just a couple feet away from the branches and the feeder. I will tempt that trust in upcoming days and try to get a photo while sitting on the steps. The above photo was taken through glass in the door and isn't the clearest but it shows what my view was this morning.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
The Not-So Green Thumb
Images of Florida

It's not unusual to hear me say "I don't want to live in Florida." I've lived here for 15 years and believe that's been long enough. I consider Florida a nice place to visit but I don't want to live here. Although my heart yearns to relocate to someplace, anyplace with elevation, I decided to review some older photos that remind me why Florida is a nice place to visit.

I do appreciate the unique, natural beauty of Florida. There are still oysters in the rough, "Old Florida" as some call it. Small, rural towns both inland and along the coastline. One particular section along the Gulf of Mexico is referred to as Florida's Forgotten Coast. It's a wonderfully quiet, peaceful and friendly place to visit. Some say it's what Key West was before Key West became Key West. The locals will welcome you but prefer that you not stay too long. They actually like things the way they are and after spending a couple of weekends there, I understood what they meant. This isn't the Florida where I live but it's the Florida I'll always hold dear, even though there's no elevation.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Sense of Accomplishment

Horoscope, Schmoroscope

Some people would argue that we all have our good side/bad side but that's not what this is about. This is about truly being divided as a person or being two people at once. It has scared me at times in my adult life and I've silently questioned whether I am bi-polar. People close to me have commented that they're not sure which girl they're going to experience at any given moment. I am not saying that I flip-flop at a rapid pace, but I do have my "moods" that can be quite opposite at times and I suppose that's me just being human. At least I hope so.
I DO love the stellar qualities of my star sign and am trying to make those attributes the ones that people experience more often than not. I want them to work in my favor for my own benefit and for the benefit of those I love, care for, respect, appreciate and work with.
So anyway, back to my schmoroscope for today:
"The Sun is in Aries and the Moon is going into Virgo. There'll be
new assignments to complete over the next few weeks. You'll get
to spend more time at home. Better start making lists."
The timing of this did strike a chord today as I took a step towards working from home. That has been a "want-to-do" since I bailed from the corporate world in *gasp* 2001. Since leaving the workplace, I've been draggin' ass to make anything happen -- and I mean anything. If it didn't involve motorcycling or traveling, I had little to no interest. I've been afraid, nearly paralyzed with fear and anxiety and motorcycling was the only thing in my life that I found freeing. It became my therapy as well as numbing agent. Over the last few years, internal demons bred at an alarming rate and the struggle to move forward became more and more difficult. I am at the point now where it's time to slay those demons so I can continue along a path I've wanted to explore since I was a child. I am going to utilize my skills and love for the written word, which is also a Gemini trait. ;) I AM going to be a freelance writer/editor. For four years my business card has said that's who I am. I am going to become that person. It just took time to realize that I CAN be her.
Monday, April 18, 2005
She Left On A Jet Plane

Let me backtrack a couple more days, to that day in Balboa Park, last Thursday to be exact. I'd been severely craving an afternoon in the sun, in the grass, in a wide open space. After hitting an In-N-Out drive-thru, Michael and I took our lunch-to-go to the park. Complete with a cooler of beer, a camp chair, a blanket, writing materials and a few hours to spare, we laid claim to a spectacular sunny spot on the lawn. I laid the blanket out just beyond the magnolia's shade and it became my outdoor office. Michael had a seat on the other side of the cooler and it became his writing niche. We were both there with pens in hands, soaking up suds and sun.

Sunday, April 17, 2005
Age Discrimination
He said the walls in the restroom seemed to have been painted recently but there was one note of graffiti on the wall that read something like: Blow Job 18-40 Last Stall. Sure enough, as he was leaving he saw a dude sitting there with his hand in his pants. (Editorial note: I don't mean to make it sound like he was scouting this guy out, he had to pass the stall to leave... and besides, he didn't meet the age restriction.)
We were both on a stake-out for a couple hours after his trip to the john. It was like gawking at a train wreck, we just couldn't stop staring! We kept an eagle eye on the restroom, watching the guys who went in, the guys who walked out (some adjusting their zippers and looking around). I thought I saw the perv leave the scene in a closely parked beater car, no pun intended. Then anger set in for me. That is a public restroom. What if a group of youngsters had walked in there?? Do your business, I don't care, just don't subject others to your follies, you farkin' freak.
Apparently, sex in the city park isn't a new issue. According to this from 1997.
Get Out Your Gaydar
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Relax, Don't Do It
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Cal-e-forn-ya Here I Come

I flew out yesterday so I'll try to post from here. It's so hard to do with so many wonderful distractions like the ocean, the mountains, the desert, the fabulous restaurants, the nice people, the interesting tourist spots, the wineries. Oh, I could go on and on! I'll stop, enjoy a deliciously juicy California navel and decide where I'll let the day lead me today.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
A New Ride
It wasn't my intention to come home with a different bike, but I did. It was a day like any other day. I took Thor to Gainesville to get him serviced but came home on a 2005 FLHTC and it's black cherry pearl. The whole deal was completely out of my hands, I had little choice in the matter. I hope Thor isn't too sore at me.
The fact is, this is the first time I've ever had to leave him at the dealer for service. He is sick and had to stay in so I had no choice but to leave him there with his top end in organized pieces on the table. He was so exposed, so vulnerable. My poor Thor. I know he's in good hands and will be back under my butt soon.
Diagnosis: his cam chains, tensioners and included guts were "slap wore out." This came as quite a shock to me since I had the cam chains and tensioners replaced (under warranty... YES, buy an extended warranty if you have a bike you actually ride!!) at 75K and he rolled in today with 83K. Because this was a quick turn-around with so few miles since my last replacement, my service dudes did more exploratory. They were concerned a rod problem might be presenting itself, but that wasn't the case. They saw a bolt missing and referred to the motor as a grenade waiting to explode. It seems as though the lifters are a part of the problem so I'm getting new cams and associated pieces and parts.
I came home on the gorgeous new bike because they were going to schedule a claims adjuster to review the motor tomorrow. Considering the bike is in Gainesville and I am in Jacksonville, they just loaned me a bike. I've been singing the praises of this dealership for several years and this is why: they flat out take good care of me and my bike!
The honeymoon of having a new bike will be over tomorrow or the next day but it was fun getting to pretend I'm actually a new bike owner.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005
Motorcycling Coast-to-Coast

One task for the ride was to collect water and sand from both coasts. This was the collection from the Pacific shore. I have water and sand from both oceans displayed in a wooden memento made especially for that ride.

This is Thor, my motorcycle (2001 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Standard), an ocotillo in bloom and me in Joshua Tree National Park.